Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm just going to sexually anthropomorphize the holidays

I know that Erin and I are HUGE cheerleaders when it comes to Ryan North and his totally bitchen Dinosaur Comics, But I can't help it. Again today it made me laugh outloud and so I give kudos to him. It's a good thing for me he lives in Canada because his way with words has given Erin a little more than just an internet crush on the guy. The best part of today's comic is of course the mouse-over, so visit this link right here and see for yourself.
Friggin' Zeitgeists indeed.


k said...

You're link didn't work. I got a page with "suggested" URL's, none of which looked like what you intended.

Erin said...

I wasn't there to walk Tyson through the hyperlink process (again), so here's the link.

Personally, I kind of like the period of flirting with the holidays, sending it winks and buying it drinks, that lasts from Halloween to Thanksgiving, before the frantic let's-get-her-home-and-tear-all-her-clothes-off energy that starts to pick up in early December.

Erin said...

Oh, wait, I know this one...

Am I a cheerleader because we were never teenagers together?


Tyson said...

Try it now and see.

Erin said...

Umm...the only reason it works now is because you looked up how to write hyperlink tags (again) and pushed the "edit" button to make it look like it was right this whole time.

You caught a bunny today? Why??

Tyson said...

Not entirely true dear. What I did yesterday was to put in the next number in DC's sequence into my link, so that when people clicked on it today, they'd get the correct comic and not the current day's comic. It didn't show yesterday because on the current day's comic there is no number assigned, it's just ""
However, I did forget my semicolon after http, so it wasn't really my tags that were wrong so much as my clumsy typing that caused the problem, which I have since repaired. Nyah.

Tyson said...

And about the bunny; one of the little desert cottontails got stuck in between the metal dumpster-box thing and the fence in our staff parking lot, so I went in there and scooted him out. I'm pretty sure his heart didn't a-splode, because he tore off across the street and up the hillside.

Erin said...

To get the permanent URL, hit "previous" and then "next." It will give you the sequential URL.