Sunday, November 09, 2008

Hotter than Georgia asphalt

I just re-watched Wild At Heart tonight on IFC. I haven't seen the move since somewhere 'round 1991, and I had forgotten how much I like it then. Laura Dern was just too super-sexy in that movie, and Nicholas Cage was actually an actor I liked back then. It's sad to see him reduced to things like Ghost Rider and Bankok Dangerous. Anyway, as good as they were, the best scene in the movie involves one of the creepiest bad-guys in all cinema history as far as I'm concerned. Warning for those of you who haven't seen it: spoiler ahead.
Willem Defoe's portrayal as Bobby Perdue is just plain amazing. I can't even think of an adjective to describe him adequately in the scene when he sexually assaults Lulu. Think slimey and then tag an exponent to it; it was sheer brilliance.
Anyway, E's away for the week visiting her sister, and Nick and I are being bachelors for the week. Not much else interesting happening.
Oh, and I thought I'd mention that you sorry lot out there have left exactly 1 comment on my last 5 posts. Am I boring you all to death, or what?
I intend to find some way of getting people to acknowledge my existence again, even if it means resorting to something extreme, like posting soft-core pictures of myself in the mirror with my cellphone cam all Myspace style, or maybe reviving Audience Participation Mondays.


Erin said...

Man, you have totally ruined Wild at Heart for me. And every Willem Defoe movie, too.

I thought I left you with specific instructions:
1. keep the pets alive (except dust bunnies)
2. pretend to have kept up with housework with a marathon straightening-up on Saturday morning
3. don't do anything fun or interesting without me

Brannon said...

I'm saying hello just so you'll keep your clothes on.

Tyson said...

If you aren't cool enough to have seen Wild at Heart by now, then seeing it won't do you any good. Just forget I mentioned it.

Unknown said...

I recently feel as though every ounce of creativity I once possessed has been sucked away into some kind of ravenous vacuum.

I don't think vacuums can actually be ravenous.

Sigh. You still rock my world, Tyson. Worry not.