Monday, November 23, 2009

What a novel idea

So Erin and I are going to Phoenix to visit my mom for Christmas, and it's going to cost alot to get there. Therefore, we have decided not to buy presents for each other, and instead we made a deal to each write a novel by Christmas day. November is actually National Novel Writing Month, but we decided a late start was better than no start.

So today I began outlining. I am having my students write a historical fiction piece as a culmination of our reading and writing instruction this year, so I figured that I would begin with the same genre. I am basically going to follow the model I will be teaching them later this year, only in greater depth. They will write short stories but mine will be longer.

So here's the gist so far: The story surrounds the Watermelon War in Panama City, 1856. This real event will be used to frame the narrative.

Angel de Soto is the son of a recently freed slave in Colon, Panama. He and his father operate Colon's first non-railroad owned printing press. They are somewhat at odds w/ the Railroad administrator due to being competitors w/ the company paper. Angel believes that at the other end of the line, blacks are respected and treated as equals. Unhappy with his father's passivity concerning the family business and their racist treatment, Angel hops the train to go to Panama City to see for himself how things are on the other side.

He gets caught up in the riot that occurs, and comes to realize that racism is not always where you expect to find it, nor is charity.

Anyway, I fully expect to have it done by Christmas. That being said, I am not too concerned with it being good. I just want to do it.

Not much else to say. Here are a few more pics: