Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh my gosh, you guys...there's SNOW in Las Vegas!

To quote the cheesy holiday anthem, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

According to the weather channel, we here in Vegas are under a severe winter weather warning until 6:00 tomorrow morning. It started dumping snow pretty heavily around 1:00 today, and it hasn't let up yet. Those of you from places that actually get snow, this may not sound like much, and it's not. But for lots of people here, especially my students, this is the first time they've even seen snow.
As a result, people are of course driving like morons, going at most 15 mph on the freeway, for example, when the roads aren't even frozen. It's a case of the overly-cautious causing dangerous conditions.
Add to that parents with overly dramatic attitudes to the tiniest of changes in the daily routine, and you've got what looks like our school's very first snow day. In Las Vegas.
Weird, I know. But also very pretty.

For a person who grew up in the mountains like I did, there's nothing like tons of heavy white snow coating everything to trigger memories of Christmas fun as a child. It really brings back vivid memories of building forts, hiding behind stop signs and then grabbing the bumpers of unsuspecting cars and letting them drag you over the icy streets, and playing the latest Atari 2600 games, like Pitfall or Adventure.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Christians and the Pagans

OK ok ok.

Here's a helpful quiz I've developed to clear up any spiritual confusion out there. Are you, in general, a happy person or a dour one? Do you live in harmony, or discord?

Take my handy "Christian or Pagan" holiday song challenge to find out!

First, the Pagans:

Now, the Christians:

Now think about the lyrics and decide, which song does a better job of representing what I think?
And don't forget to focus on what you THINK, not what you think you're supposed to BELIEVE.

Now before any of you Christians blather on about how this guy is not representative of mainstream Christianity, I ask you to REALLY look beyond the awful music to the ideas he espouses. I think you'll see he pretty well sums up the Jesus-thing.

OK then. Hopefully that will have helped everyone who was in doubt to decide once and for all if they have chosen their belief system correctly. No need to thank me.

Mazel tov,


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

a purple wand and hairy sack of magic

I heard a joke today. Here goes...

I booked into a hotel and said to the receptionist, "I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled."

"No," she says, "it's regular porn, you sick bastard."

In my opinion, the greatest comedian ever was Bill Hicks. This joke reminded me of a bit done by Bill Hicks on the hairy bobbin' man-ass one used to see on TV's in hotels in the 80's and 90's.
If you've never heard of Hicks, it's probably because he's dead.
He was a visionary; if you listen to his shows, you'd think they were made in the last 5 years, not 20 years ago. His political humor was transcendent, his religious humor merciless, and his sexual humor just plain hysterical.
Here's one of my favorite bits. It's sheer genius.

(WARNING: Please don't watch this mom)