Saturday, June 06, 2009

My subconscious has a sense of humor

So I didn't get hired in Kalispell. It was very disappointing, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I have apps out at 6 other schools in that area, plus 2 in Idaho and 1 in Colorado, and Erin has an offer in Colorado, so we will decide by Wednesday where we are going.

Last night I had a dream that I went to a McDonalds for french fries (don't ask me why) and I wound up taking a job there. It wasn't too funny in the dream, but when I woke up it kind of cracked me up.

So keep your fingers crossed for us. Colorado would by no means be bad, it's just farther down our list; I just hope we hear from one of the schools in Montana or Idaho before we sign papers for Colorado. It would be a bummer to get an offer there after we were committed to somewhere else.

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