Tuesday, June 17, 2008

another reason why I LOVE Texas... The Texas GOP!

Ok, ok...

I really only am fond of Texas for its geography and the few of you that still live there.
I am amused (in the same way you can be amused by the senile old uncle who's so brain damaged that he gets away with racial slurs and blatant sexism) of the shamelessly racist, anti-feminist, and otherwise bigoted way that the Texas GOP handles itself.

At least in Texas, they don't secretly pretend not to be racist while cracking nigger jokes and wetback jokes under their breath, no sir. They proudly hock things like this at their state republican convention.

Who says Texas aint great?


k said...

I'm pretty sure it's not just Texas. When I lived back east, I had never encountered such vehement racism. Moving from Lubbock to the "liberal land of yankees," I expected not to find racism, but the melting pot that made America great... the liberators of slavery! (I know, it's sappy, but I was 21.) But, the degree of racism really was surprising. It was scary.

I worry that Obama will be assassinated, either before he can be elected or because he is elected.

Michael said...

Jen ( my wife ) says the same thing. She really thinks that if he's elected, he'll be assassinated.

It can be pretty embarassing to tell someone you're from Texas, that's for sure.

k said...

Or, really entertaining :)

Unknown said...

Shame you don't still have the yellow Volkswagon Beetle, Tyson. You could have displayed this button on your dashboard next to the one that read "Guess How Many Donuts Fit On My Dick".

Brannon said...

The button would be so much less offensive if it were funnier. . . or am I missing the point?

Tyson said...

I don't get republican humor, I just find them humorous.

k said...

Aren't you contradicting yourself there, T, "I don't get republican humor, I just find them humorous."

Tyson said...

That's not a contradiction at all Elaine; I find them objects of humor, but don't understand the things they find funny. It's like saying I find cows tasty ( I do love a good steak) but don't get why they go all ape-shit over eating grass.