Monday, June 30, 2008

The 90's

So we just finished watching VH1's top 100 songs of the 90's, and it did 3 things:

1. Reminded me of this video.
2. Reminded me how totally hot I am for Liz Phair (listen to Flower... I mean GOD!)
3. Made me wish I could remember my own life more vividly, more often

Man, it just amazes me how music can bring back memories like nothing else:

Into The Great Wide Open
playing as B and I raced down the Texas highway, to go climbing in Mineral Wells

Under the Bridge as I went to get my motorcycle registered with a yuppie republican girl from my scholarship program named Allison... I remember she used to come to class with a "Texans for Bush" bumpersticker pasted across her crotch (that was Bush Sr. for you kiddies!)

The first time I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit... B came over to my hovel on 35th street with a cassette tape of Nevermind; we listened to the whole thing, amazed and thoroughly amused by the sheer balls of the song Polly.

I could go on and on, but I won't. I'm just glad for the music, because I have forgotten (or at least put out of mind) most of my short existence in this life, and sometimes music brings it back, if only for short moments.


k said...

That's why I am becoming more dedicated to blogging... and yes, scrapbooking. You just sort of wake up and realized, years and years have gone by and the only record of it is stored in the clever chemical system of our brains.

I think blogging is a neat way to preserve life. It would be cool if my kids started their own blogs... and we had a webnetgeneologyblog.

Look, Johnny, this was your great, great, great grandmother and her life.

Unknown said...

One of my first memories of Smells Like Teen Spirit also involves Brannon. We were all sitting around listening to Nirvana before one of you guys' infamous "open jams", and Brannon was dissecting the lyrics for us -- "...a mosquito, my libido...".

I was sitting on the floor indian style looking up at him -- with that same odd sense of wonder and respect with which I often looked up at him -- for he was Brannon, the old and wise.

Brannon said...

You guys talk about me like I'm dead. Have i really become that dull?

Tyson said...

Who said that!?