Friday, March 14, 2008

Some realizations, in no particular order.

I feel wiser now, having turned another year on the calendar. Here are some of the things I have come to realize lately, in no particular order:

1. The years of 1992-1996 were THE BEST for independent films, when they truly were independent, and not mainstream-fashionable, as they later became. This group of films includes, but is not limited to, The Last Supper, Welcome to the Dollhouse, and a movie that featured a trio who killed a guy then had to dump the body; they drew straws to see who had to hammer out the corpse's teeth, and the loser eventually moved into the attic where he went kind of nuts, drilling holes in the ceiling to view what was going on in the apartment below. I can't remember the name, but Brannon will help me out by remembering for me: we saw it in Austin and it was awesome!
Anyway, this morning as I was grading a Science Test, I realized that the actor who plays geeky professor-guy on this season of lost is the same guy who played the lead in Spanking the Monkey (which definitely goes on the list). I haven't checked yet to make sure, but I'm 99.9% positive it is him. The movie had an awesome soundtrack, particularly the song that played as the credits rolled, and after more than a decade, I finally found it.

2. No limit Texas Hold 'Em, which holds the top place (in a tie with fly fishing) as chief among my obsessions, might actually not be the greatest poker game ever. That title may ver well belong to the game of Pot Limit Triple Daw Lowball, Deuce to Seven. Don't ask why... there's not enough spaceon my blog if you get me started... just trust me on this!

3. I'm actually filling up (slowly) with relevant reflections and witty comentary about things these days, but I'm not yet up to the task of presenting them to the world; I think I am suffering a bit of a mid-life crisis, and, as usual, I prefer to suffer alone until I get things figured out; that's just the way I am. I AM figuring things out, at least a little, and when I'm ready, I'll actually post something I feel is important or worth-while.

4. You should bug Erin to post more; she's easier to push around.


Erin said...

Wow. This is the first I've heard of your impending midlife crisis. You really are keeping this one bottled up.

k said...

tick... tick... tick...

Unknown said...

Only a true artist chooses to suffer alone.

Just don't cut off your ear or anything.

k said...

Oh that whole "suffering artist" thing is childish egocentric attention seeking behavior bullshit.

By the way, Tyson, I know women aren't the full impetus behind midlife crisis, but they are a little slice. And since they are... you are a very handsome, witty, and smart man, not to mention interesting in many ways. Girls/women will be attracted to you for at least 30 more years.

You have a good face. And that, my dear friend Tyson, is one of the best Elaine compliments out there... just ask B.

Erin said...

Why? Is something wrong with his face?

k said...

No, B has a good face too. Good faces are rare. I don't hand out the "good face" compliment often. There are lots of handsome faces. But all too often the handsome faces wither under closer examination and turn out to be really kind of weird looking faces. It is the exceptional face that is both handsome and good.

Sometimes, a face that would not be considered handsome in the traditional sense, can become a good face as it's characteristics hold strength and presence even under close examination.

I'll take a good face over a shallow stereotypical "pretty" face any day. Good faces have character, strength, depth...

Many actors have good faces, or at least the actors I like: Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, James Stewart, Harrison Ford, to name a few.

Ms. Kate said...

Speaking of shallow, the movie's called "Shallow Grave." It stars Ewan McGregor, who's of course super famous. And Christopher Eccleston, who's now Dr. Who and the invisible guy on "Heroes." He's the guy who goes into the attic. Hijinks ensue.

Tyson said...

OK, I checked my permissions... just didn't realize you were going by "Kate." :)

Brannon said...

You left out "Crumb" - the best of that group, if you ask me.

My thoughts on midlife: I wonder how much longer I'm going to live. If I live into my 80's then this truly is midlife, but if I stroke- out next year, then midlife was 20 years ago, when you and I were splitting the rent.
If I am dying anytime soon, I have some regret for having watched too much TV. But if I am going to live beyond 80, then I'm looking forward to Battlestar G. in 18 days.
There also the primal stuff. The part that wishes I had screwed more girls. It has to be a primal thing because logically it doesn't make sense. Screwing has always gotten me in trouble.

My desire to be a rock star has also caused me suspicion. The fantasy is muddled with the fear that it might have ruined me completely. If I had millions of people who thought I was great, I'm not sure I could resist the urge to believe them. The manic side of the depression would be brutal.

Whats left? Drugs? I suppose there always going to be time to try heroine. I'm putting it off for a while.

Unknown said...

Screwing = trouble.

Dammit, I always forget that one...