Sunday, May 04, 2008

Dames, ya gotta love 'em

Especially if the Dame in question is Dame Juliana Berners, quite likely the first author on a sport in the history of modern English. I did a report on her as an under-grad for a History of the English Language class, and she is very unsual historically-speaking.

At a time when nearly everyone was illiterate, and little writing was done outside of religious treatise, here was a woman writing about fishing. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Anyway, I am getting the fishing/camping/mountain bug pretty bad lately, and what with not getting to go on any trips last summer (I mean fishing trips; Switzerland doesn't count!) I'm just itching to get on the water. I get out of school a week earlier than Nick and Erin, so I am trying to plan a trip for a few days between the 30th of May and the 4th of June. Possibilities are:

The Sierra Nevada


Northern Nevada

I love all these places, and each is great in its own way. I just can't decide which will be best for such a short trip.

Erin Nick and I are tentatively planning on going to go to Colorado to visit my sister on the 5th, so one possibility is to take the motorcycle and get there a few days early. As an added bonus, when they arrive I won't have to drag them around while I selfishly fish for 12 to 14 hours straight, and having a cycle in the mountains is just cool. However, the down side is that the weather there has been horrific (for the fishing) this winter and Spring, and I certainly don't want to be there if the run-off makes the waters unfishable, or if the ice won't be off by then. For example, it was an already-too-hot 92 degrees here last Saturday , while in Silverthorne, where Nicole lives, it was only a high of 30 degrees... and it dumped a few inches of snow as well. Nicole assures me that the snow melted the next day, but with weather like that h fishing might not get started until early July.

If the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll go visit her at the end of summer and I'll go to one of the remaining places on my list. Now that I'm thinking of it, I haven't been to Angel Lake in about 4 years, and the last time I went, it was a bust; it was a draught year, and the river was dry.

But the first time I went, it was Memorial weekend, the lake had just iced off, and the trout were stacked up like firewood in little holding areas in the drainage creek. The fishing was great! Plus, there's a little alpine lake about 2 miles up and around the escarpment from Angel lake that is supposedly little visited and filled with arctic grayling:

a rare find in the lower 48 west of the rockies, and especially in Nevada! I couldn't hike in that first year because the trail was still covered in 10 feet of snow, but maybe this time will be different.

So all told, I just can't make up my mind. But I suppose that's half the fun.
In other news, check out this alligator!


k said...

That's a goofy fucking alligator. I suppose that is the man with all the animals that visits your class?

I noticed Austin was not on your list. That's just wrong. You guys should swing by here. I would love it if you and B could hook up some place. I am afraid his new job might be a problem though.

We had such a blast last summer visiting you guys in Vegas... then more fun this Christmas when you and Erin came here. We would love to either or both again, but he only has 3 months at his job. B going anywhere seems difficult. I hope I'm wrong though.

Unknown said...

That alligator picture is kind of hot.

k said...

Oh... your right, Tammy. The alligator is kind of hot. It's the guy wrangling the gator on the right that's goofy.