Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spidey, Lowes, Borsht, and building a shed.

... pretty much sums up my weekend.
Friday we went to see Spiderman 3, and while it was fun, I think it was the least well done of the series. After that I played a little poker for the 1st time in 2 months, making 986$ in about 4 hours (I love days like that!) and then I came home, about 11:30. I had taken a break from poker for awhile, but I needed to make some extra money to pay some back child support from 4 years ago that might have stood in the way of my getting my passport. That is another long story, and the crux of it is that Texas is a state which I am quite glad to be out of; their family court laws are archaic and instututionally bigoted towards fathers. I have been paying faithfully for 9 years now, but about 4 years ago my employer switched payroll companies and they stopped deducting my payments for 10 weeks (over the summer) and I was never informed. Anyway, I don't mind paying it back, and in fact I called the Texas AG just to make sure things were OK, and that was how I found out. How you guys put up with your state government and the religious wack-jobs that are so rampant there baffles me. But I digress.

So on Saturday, while we were at Lowes buying a 10 x 8 shed for our back yard, our Greek friend Sophocles (yes, that is his real name) invited us to his church for an international food festival, so we decided to go to see what was up. But first we had to get out of the store, which took forever. I'll spare you the details, just suffice it to say that 80% of the people who work retail are total morons, and the other 20% must have been on break. It literally took us 2 hours to get the shed we'd purchased.
So next we went to the food festival. There were booths from Lithuania, Russia, Bosnia, Greece, Lebanon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and a few others. We decided on the Russian booth, and I had borscht for the 1st time. I always assumed it would be kind of gross, but it turns out it was Awesome! We also had a slew of other dishes, including one of my favorite foods, beef stroganoff. It was nice. There were a few groups of children visiting from another Orthodox church doing traditional dances of Greece and Eritrea. Interesting stuff. After the dances, we left. Then it was back to Lowes to get more supplies for the next day.

Today I started the shed, but didn't finish it due to my pissing away about 4 hours playing guitar hero this morning. Couple that with the inevitable return trip to the Lowes-of-no-return for forgotten supplies, and it was 4:00 before work started on the foundation. My friend Juan was helping me, and we got the foundation framed, the floor put down, and the ceiling beams put together. Tomorrow we will finish the rest, and then we can get all of our camping stuff out of Nick's room so he can have a real bedroom when he comes to live with us.


k said...

When mentioning state government and religious wack-jobs, you forgot rednecks. How could you leave them out? B and I were driving down the road the other day. Hee hee. Walking down the side of the road there goes this big thighed, wide butted woman, on foot, holding her little puppy, while sporting heals and shorts -- shakin' her thang -- and screeching somthing over her shoulder at the beer gutted lummox standing by the truck yelling, "WHAT! WHAAAAT!" I fully expected to hear, "You better git back in this truck, bitch." But we were driving, and moving to fast catch all the details. We laughed. Most of the time, you can forget you are in Texas if you are in Austin. But then reality jumps up, and it is still very much Texas.

For that I love it. I do. I have lived in several places... every place has its own flavor of redneck. I like ours the best.

I do not tolerate the state government very well at all. But not worry, Tyson, however they are bigoted against fathers, they more than make up for in bigotry against women in general in other areas of law, etc. So there is some sort of sick cosmic balance to it all. And wack-jobs... well those are are everywhere in all manner of fashion. Hey, it's better than fundamental Islam.

So your Greek friend... did he take you to a Greek Orthodox church? They had the most spectacular Greek Orthodox churches in Phily. I have never been to one, but I have always wanted to visit one. Is he from Greece too?

I love church of any kind. Well, maybe not those snake handling kinds...

Brannon said...

Conquer Guitar Hero, build a shed, make a grand playing cards - all in one weekend - thats how we defeated communism.
I salute you!

Anonymous said...

You have an addiction to Guitar Hero and are probably in need of an intervention. I know this because I have been there myself --tis a cruel, cruel master.

Side note to Brannon: That we don't hear from you for oh, I don't know, a millenium, and then you pop off with a zinger like that, well I salute YOU. Only, don't be such a damn stranger, honey. I miss you! No one else makes me laugh as hard, dammit!

Brannon said...

I didn't know I was gone. I'm just not as verbal as most people.

Tyson said...

It was a Greek Orthodox church, and I actually went to a service with him there a few months ago. It was very pretty, lots of icons, live chanting during the service, no chairs (everyone stands)etc. Soph is a good friend who desparately wanted me to experience what for him is so clearly a spiritual place, so I went. I really appreciated the experience, and I could get into many aspects of church, if it weren't for the whole Jesus thing, and the whole original sin thing. BHut lets not dip our toes in THAT water.

Tyson said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention... Eastern Orthodox chicks are HOT!!!

Anonymous said...

As hot as Catholic chicks? Surely you jest, man!

k said...

Yep... I was waiting for that one, Tyson. Eastern Orthodox Chicks' reputation precede them. Even the girls talk about how hot they are. Having never been... I only know them from what I hear.

And as far as toe dipping... jump in, the water is fine. :) Beats the fires of hell you heathen!

Tyson said...

Oh come now, nothing beats the fires of Hell... except maybe Vegas in July.

k said...

Speaking of Vegas, Tyson... will August be workable with your jet set schedule for us to visit?

Anonymous said...

What does Erin have in mind for Audeience Participation this week? Anxiously awaiting the fun, dammit!

Anonymous said...

Er, "Audience" -- out damn spot!

huckabayda said...

I'm curious about this "live chanting," Tyson. Has all the chanting I've been doing been "dead chanting" by comparison? Did someone take the anima out of my "Magnificat anima mea Dominum" while I wasn't looking? Help!

Or is it that my chanting has been studio chanting, as opposed to live chanting? In that case, I'd be okay with it, since stadium chanting acts are sooo 1980s. Nevermind Guitar Hero! How are your Chanting Hero chops? Verbum matre tuo, bitch!