Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm OK, Your'e OK...

I am having second thoughts about my last post. I don't usually put my internal struggles on display (I don't often HAVE internal struggles) but I just needed to get that stuff out. I am fine ( no, really) and appreciate you all for listening, but don't be surprised or alarmed if I don't mention any of that again.

So anyway...

Today I had a great day at work. I did Fractured Fairytales in my reading class, which is where the students put on a little play that switches conventions in the telling of a short, frog-based fairy tale, and I also had my last "Mythbusters" Science club with my 3rd and 4th graders after school. I promised to show them a potato gun, but was beginning to re-think the idea of bringing that much firepower into the class when I came across these instructions. So I made this mini, though I made my combustion chamber out of a jumbo tylenol tube instead of a pocket one, and it is tons of fun. We shot some potato slugs across the room, watched an episode of Mythbusters, ate pizza, and just chilled. It was great. I can't believe there are only 2 weks of school left.
I had promised them a ride on the hovercraft we built in science club a few years ago, but it was just too hot to go outside. I'm thinking I may take them inside to try it next week, after choir is done using our multi-purpose room.
I really enjoy my job, and sometimes, like today, it is just plain fun.

1 comment:

k said...

Ted Kaczynski's got nothin' on you guys... making guns in school.