Saturday, April 19, 2008

Perhaps the second most awesome thing ever?

Once I got over the initial pre-judgement "this is gay" hurdle, I realized that this may just be the second most awesome thing ever (behind this, of course)!

Seriously, I'm going to use this with my class on Monday.
The clip comes courtesy of Teachertube. I can't believe I've never heard of this site before!
In other news, I think I'm changing the focus of my doctoral study from professional development for teacher retention to development of international learning communities, but more on that later. I have lunch, then another session to go to.


Brannon said...

So thats what "gay" is. I always wondered.

k said...

That Teachertube thing is cool.

k said...

Several of my profs have mentioned the PhD thing to me. So, I am looking around. I was told not to be quick to discount the online programs because many are quite good. I knew this... but I am so totally uninformed about the online programs that I am completely intimidated. You may have to help me out a bit. It looks like you are ahead of the game on this topic. Your possible change of focus to international learning communities sounds great to me! I would love to hear about that. I still don't know what I would want my focus to be. Are you in a PhD or EdD program?

Michael said...

Don't you think that kids are savvy enough to see right through this? I mean, I think it's a neat approach, but don't kids think it's dumb and ignore it completely?

Just curious......

Tyson said...

kids (my kids, 9-10 yr. old rich white ones) are gonna love this; they won't admit it, but believe me, they'll be singing this song under their breath while working on their fractions.

It IS a catchy, if nothing else... plus, it's just funny to watch the guy; he's obviously a good-natured goob who's comfortable w/ people laughing at him.

Erin said...

What bothers me from an education standpoint is he says "gonna do fractions" about a thousand times, but the actual demonstration of how to do it is waaay to short for someone to grasp their first time through. I just don't think kids will follow the whole 15-second explanation of "add a zero, but also add a decimal, then move the decimal then voila." You'd have to pause it and play it back 10 times in slo-mo to actually teach anything.

Well, except "white goober in tie says stuff about fractions."

Erin said...

Oh, and there's no way in hell we can access that site through our district's filters.