Friday, February 15, 2008


There's been an epidemic at my school involving a bug that for many has led to pneumonia... I was hoping to dodge it, but it finally caught up with me. The sucky parts are

a. I can't keep any food down so I've been surviving on pedialite and Ensure, which are both gross.

b. We have to drive to Phoenix tonight for Nick's 14th birthday gift of going to the Rennaisance Festival tomorrow (our hotel and stuff is already reserved)

c. My first doctoral course ends on Sunday, and I have to write a paper between n0w and then.

d. Today is my 19th AA birthday, and I can't go to a meeting to celebrate it.

I tell you, I hate hate HATE being sick, especially when it involves throwing up, which this bug does. I went to the doc yesterday and got an antibiotic shot and some amoxicillin, so hopefully it will clear up in a few days.
In other news, our new dog Charlie is cool, and I'd love to post some pics and tell you all about him, but I'm headed back to bed. Get onto Erin for dog updates; she's better about posting lately than I am.


k said...

That's the same bug we had here when Braxton got pneumonia... then Devyn got pneumonia, for a whole friggin month! Good luck. I hope you feel better soon.

k said...

And yes, it is nasty and it spreads like wildfire... tell Erin to keep her distance. I wouldn't even sleep in the same bed.

Unknown said...

Happy 19th, Tyson! Wow... you were 19 years old when I met you, and now you've been sober for 19 years...

We're getting old.

Erin said...

I'll get your germs, hon! Then we can both take a sick day and stay home and watch movies instead of working.